Create Windows Task Scheduler entry using VBA
आप निम्नलिखित VBA code का प्रयोग करके Windows Task Scheduler में entry कर सकते हैं और किसी भी program / application को automate कर सकते हैं।
Step 1 - Excel में "Visual Basic Editor" को open करें और एक नए module को insert करें।
(Note : code में path (rpathname), date (SetDate) और time (SetTime) को अपने अनुसार change कर लें )
Option Explicit
Sub Script_MachineScheduling()
'This procedure will create entry for tomorrow with same time in Windows Task Scheduler and open the test.xlsm file.
'define variables
Dim intFileNum As Integer
Dim wsh As Object
Dim SetDate As Date
Dim RobotName As String, user As String, rpathname As String, CompleteCommand As String
Dim sFileName As String, SetTime As String, sFileNameMRobot As String
Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'robot name into Windows Task Scheduler
RobotName = "Robot_" & Format(Now(), "DDMMYYYY_hhmmss")
'file that will be called using Windows Task Scheduler
rpathname = "C:\Users\username\Downloads\test.xlsm" '<< change this path to yours
SetTime = Format(Now(), "hh:mm") '<< change the time according to your future schedule
SetDate = Format(Now() + 1, "mm/dd/yyyy") '<< change the date according to your future schedule
user = Environ$("Username")
'If user name is blank or not found then use below function to get it.
If user = "" Then
user = Mid(WorksheetFunction.Substitute((Environ$("UserProfile")), "\", "_", 2), WorksheetFunction.Find("_", WorksheetFunction.Substitute((Environ$("UserProfile")), "\", "_", 2)) + 1, 8)
End If
user = user & "\"
'command for creating task schedule
CompleteCommand = "SchTasks /Create /SC ONCE /TN " & user & RobotName & _
" /TR " & """" & "\" & """" & rpathname & """" & """" & " /SD " & SetDate & " /ST " & SetTime & " /f"
CompleteCommand = CompleteCommand & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "timeout /t 10 /nobreak"
' Write code for Windows Task Scheduler entry into bat file on disk
sFileNameMRobot = "Windows_Task_Schedule_" & Format(Now(), "DDMMYYYY_hhmmss")
sFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & sFileNameMRobot & ".bat"
intFileNum = FreeFile
Open sFileName For Output As intFileNum
Print #intFileNum, CompleteCommand
Close intFileNum
'create entry into Windows Task Scheduler using bat file
Call Shell(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & sFileNameMRobot & ".bat", vbNormalFocus)
Set wsh = Nothing
End Sub
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